
Get Involved

You don't have to be a musician to get involved. Do you like good music? Do you secretly sing in the shower? Join our community or visit us once we set up shop. Currently, we are fundraising through a gofundme campaign to get everything moving.

The funds provided by this campaign will be used to aquire a brick and mortar location for the co-working space and creative media lab through which we will be able to succeed in our mission to grow and develop the community. Funds will also assist in completion of the mobile recording space designed within a 1976 Airstream Argosy. 

So far, the venture has been funded by founder Sam Eure,  but revenue generation will require funding goals achieved as soon as possible. Any funds raised will allow for the the focus to not simply be on the monitary aspects of the business, but social impact and community development, as outlined in our mission.